Saturday, April 23, 2011

Pictures of my Geiger counter - computer interface

Here is my (experimental) Geiger Counter setup:
The FH40T Geiger Counter, with its speaker-output connected to a breadboard with PIC16F628A microcontroller and LCD and RS232 output.
The microcontroller counts the pulses from the geigercounter during a fixed interval (111.11seconds) and converts them to a value in mRem/h. The value is displayed on the LCD and sent on the RS232 port connected to a PC, which also supplies 5V DC to all circuits

On the left is a more detailed photo of the experimental breadboard setup of the Pulse counter with PIC16F628A processor / LCD / RS232.


  1. Thank you for the pictures and the description. Very nice work!
    People may be curious about the circuit diagram and the µC sourcecode, but that may cause you a lot of work.
    Maybe a link to the datasheet of the geiger-tube will be much appreciated by your readers.
    Greetings from Germany,

  2. hi katze,
    thank you for the comment. I'll see what i can do to fulfill your request. stay tuned.

    regards, RadGoes

  3. Hi,

    We did something very similar here in Geneva. Look at

    Best regards,

  4. Thanks for leaving a comment, Jacques.
    It's nice to see there are more similar activities.
    Have been able to observe any noticeable changes in CPM, caused by the
    Fukushima Nuclear disaster ?

    Best regards, RG
